In this workshop, students will learn basics of data science as they apply to analyzing common security-related data. Prediction, anomaly detection, interaction graph analysis and clustering will be demonstrated as tools for incident response, forensics and planning. This workshop makes no assumptions about the data science experience, or math background of attendees, nor does it attempt to be a general data science course. Instead, this course focuses on practical, applied techniques and methods which may be used by any security practitioner to better understand their environment, regardless of scale.
Workshop registration is required.
Rob leads Big Data platform architecture for Akamai, building compute, storage, and transport systems processing over an exabyte a year. He is the Chair of the Akamai Center of Excellence in Machine Learning, founder of the BSides Ground Truth track, and author of the Blarpy anomaly detection tool. Additionally, he brings academics to reality as co-editor of the Journal of Big Data. He is also the founder of Red Lambda, and its former CTO.