Wanna teach your kid to be a hacker but don’t know where to start? Security is a fairly complex topic but games offer the best way for kids to learn the basics. This presentation not only reviews a sample of existing games that teach security fundamentals to a younger audience but also discusses a new crowdsourced project to catalog similar fun and entertaining ways to teach kids security. This project could help spur interest in later university and other programs and potentially a career … or at least make our children a more security-conscience adult in whatever field they choose.
grecs has almost two decades of experience, undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees, and a really well known security certification. Despite his formal training, grecs has always been more of a CS person at heart going back to his VIC-20, Commodore 64, and high school computer club days. After doing the IT grind for five years, he discovered his love of infosec and has been pursuing this career ever since.