This presentation is on the new Presidential Executive Order for promoting private sector information security sharing. For the first time in history, we have reached the point of shifting minds toward encouraging to share security-related information with third-party organizations and the government. As a result of this Executive Order, the creation of information sharing and analysis organizations (ISAO) will be drastically increasing. An ISAO is a not-for-profit community, a membership organization, or a single company facilitating sharing among its customers or partners.
“Rapid information sharing is an essential element of effective cybersecurity, because it enables U.S. companies to work together to respond to threats, rather than operating alone. This Executive Order lays out a framework for expanded information sharing designed to help companies work together, and work with the federal government, to quickly identify and protect against cyber threats.” – U.S. White House.
Christopher Martinez is an IT Security Engineer working primarily with multiple SIEM technologies at ReliaQuest and a graduate in the Management Information Systems program from the University of Tampa.