Bsides Orlando acts as a supplement to larger events, namely SANS Orlando 2015. In running Bsides Orlando alongside of SANS, we get the ability to provide a laid back environment to the professionals attending SANS and access to speakers that normally wouldn’t be at the event. This allows us to foster communications and collaboration that helps increase the level of engagement between professionals, hobbyists and students.
The goal of Bsides Orlando is to bring the conversation to another level, to inspire people in their passions for security. Major conferences often focus on the current hot button topics in information security, while Bsides Orlando and similar Bsides events often cover topics that don’t get the big spotlight, but should be discussed. This includes anything from learning how to prototype electronics projects to discussing the ethics of target rich environments in a pentest.
Target Audience
While each Bsides event is unique, we tend to focus Bsides Orlando towards those new to the industry, while enabling intermediate and advanced professionals to expand their knowledge. A significant portion of our attendees are students, followed by young professionals and a few handfuls of infosec rock stars. We find that this approach allows our attendees to grow.
Unlike larger conferences, we like to enable our attendees to be able to talk with our speakers in a much smaller and intimate setting. Due to the unique nature of Bsides Orlando, attendees look for more than just information, they are looking to make connections and have conversations so that they can complete their goals.